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Monday, September 05, 2005

A little Q and A

"There may be some things better than sex, and there may be some things worse. But there's nothing exactly like it." - W.C. Fields (1879-1946)

Q. What do you find better than sex and why?

A. A must admit I find few things better than sex with a good lover. Is it very girly of me to say snuggling in with your lover the next morning? There is something so wonderful about waking to see his face relaxed with sleep and free of worry, blink awake and smile upon meeting my eyes. An arm thrown around me and a leg pulling me into his body until we are like one person, breathing in the morning and lying in the spot between dreams and consciousness.

1 comment:

Marchelle said...

I ditto your thoughts exactly. Although, I have had some serious food experiences that have bordered on "better than sex".