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Thursday, September 01, 2005

A little Q and A

"Let down my silken hair over my shoulders and open my thighs over my lover. 'Tell me, is there any part of me that is not lovable?" - Tzu Yeh (c. 3rd-4th century), Song II

Q. What part of your body do you find most loveable, the most sexy?

A. I would have to say that I find my eyes to be very sexy and to be my most beautiful feature. I have wonderfully long dark lashes and a great almond shape. Also, I like how they change color to match what I am or green. My breasts are something to behold too...although I have often complained of their size, I do find them to be an asset in the eye catching department. Men can't help but look at knockers.


Marchelle said...

Hey Sweetie, I think it's my eyes, hair, and smile. I've had compliments on other things too, just not in awhile. I'm also a sexy kisser, but that's not a body part and you'll just have to take my word for it...or will you? P.S. You need to turn your blog filter on so people don't send you these inane ads!

Crystal said...

My thoughts exactly on the Q and A, Useless Man.

Crystal said...

I'll never tell!

facade said...

definitely the lips...kissing is the most passionate of pleasures...a kiss reveals immediately whether one is compatable, the chemistry, the mytique, the yearnings all unleashed.....i love kissing and of course, kissing then leads to your neck, biting gently, your shoulders, your entire body....what a treasure!!!!! ken of louisiana

Crystal said...

Lips are definately sexy. Angelina Jole has a pair I'd like to explore at leasure.