This site contains adult writing and topics. If you are under 18 or offended, angered or just don't like talking about sex, read no further.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Assignment #1: Drabble

Okay folks, I'm going to try to get something going on this site that has to do with writing...not just erotic writing, but writing in general. Weekly I am gonna post an assignment and anyone who wants to try thier hand at putting a story together is welcome to post. This week we are gonna drabble.

A drabble is a story that is exactly 100 words long, no more, no less (not including title). The goal is tell a complete story with a beginning, middle and end in only 100 words. Not as easy as you might think. Good luck!


Marchelle said...

O.K., Here goes my attempt:


Seth leaned against the car door, keys in hand, as he surveyed the young, succulent morsels parading by.

Across the street, Vanessa’s firm, round legs straddled her bicycle, handlebars in one hand, cherry Popsicle in the other, as she gave Seth a “come-hither” stare.

Vanessa rounded the treat in wet undulations, causing Seth to lose his breath as she sucked the Popsicle into her mouth. Releasing it with a slurp, she ran her tongue along the length in one long, slow stroke.

Seth crossed the street, taking Vanessa by the hand. "C’mon. It’s time to go for a REAL ride.”

Crystal said...

Thanks so much for participating in my writing assignment!
Great job! I like how we really don't know their ages...this could be, teenagers or adults. the ambiguity is nice. My favortie line is "Releasing it with a slurp, she ran her tongue along the length in one long, slow stroke." The part that confused me was "Vanessa rounded the treat in wet undulations..." Not quite sure what that means. I think you mean her tongue was circling the popcicle?

Once again, I extend high praise. Drabble is not my strength. But I think it really helps you focus one what is absolutely essential to a story. I will be posting mine next.

Marchelle said...

O.K., I had to try again...


Jetta strode into the room like a whirlwind, slamming the door behind her. Cecile looked up from her computer in mild surprise.

“You’re home early.”

"Early?" She tossed her bag onto the floor with enough backspin that her books and papers went flying. “I quit my F***ing job! That bastard down at the paper gave the promotion to Brian,” her eyes flashed. “I trained him for Chrysakes!”

“You’re too good for that place anyway,” Cecile jested. “Now, let’s see if we can channel some of that passion…”

Jetta smirked.

“Just to balance things out…I know how much you value equality."

Crystal said...

You've been by the drabble bug! lol...Once you start writing it you can't seem to stop. Here's my post:

The water balloon burst and soaked Darlene’s chest.

She squealed and took aim. Ronnie was next!

Ronnie froze. He couldn’t tear his eyes from her nipples, now clearly visible under the white tee.

There was a stirring in his dungarees. His hands flew to his crotch. He looked down accusingly.

“What are you doing?” She giggled, her hands covering her mouth.

“It moved!”

Darlene walked forward. “It what?”

Ronnie took her arm and pulled her under the weeping willow. His eyes darted around nervously.

“My penis!” He gulped.

Darlene dropped to her knees in front of him.

“Let me see.”

Marchelle said...

lol...yours is so funny...hehehe.