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Monday, January 23, 2006

Finding Time

So, Last week, I started my new non-writing a job. It's unfortunate that I am not making any money with my writing...but with most, a job outside of thier passion is necessary, isn't it? The job is making it difficult to find writing time, but I am doing my best.

Biggest issue is we have one car and haveta play nice and share. So after dropping my significant other at thier money making job I head to the library. Lucky for me, Sedona has an awesome set-up. The library is huge, with tons of space and privacy. Also have wifi for the internet and with my handy laptop in tow I can write almost as if I were at home. I only get two hours and fifteen minutes to create...not a lot, but better than nothing.

How do you, my friends, find the time to write? What has worked for you?

1 comment:

Marchelle said...

Um...for me it's called 2: A.M. Benefits of being an insomniac, I guess.